Only because I genuinely agree that this would be of interest to StyleScout LDN's readers and because
Stephen Jones seems very nice:
This is a call out to the design community to team up with Stephen Jones and Vogue UK for an opportunity to get noticed by the fashion/design world and receive a 2 week internship in London.
Stephen Jones, one of the world’s finest milliners, is inviting designers to submit a photograph or illustration of their originally designed hat for the chance to be a part of Hats: An Anthology, an exhibition hosted by the Bard Graduate Center in New York City. The exhibit is a collaboration between Stephen Jones and the V&A and has previously attracted over 350,000 visitors in London and Brisbane. The selected hat will be displayed in the Bard Graduate Center Gallery as part of the exhibition. Stephen Jones is looking for originality and creativity and encourages participants to use any kind of material - from paper to metal, fabric to feathers, card to plastic.
Jones and Dolly Jones, Editor of Britain's will choose the winners from all qualified submissions with special consideration for the top voted entries.
The winning hat will be displayed at the Bard Graduate Center Gallery for the duration of Hats: An Anthology (September 2011 - April 2012). The winner will also receive:
- A two week internship with Stephen Jones in London (travel and accommodation in London are the responsibility of the winner)*
- Two tickets to the opening night party of Hats: An Anthology at the BardGraduate Center in New York City on the 14th of September 2011 (travel and accommodation in New York are the responsibility of the winner)
- A signed copy of Stephen Jones’ book Hats: An Anthology
- A one year membership to the V&A in London
- Global exposure by having their design featured on, his Facebook page and Britain's
>>> Vogue/Promotions/Stephen-Jones-design-Competition
It would be nice if one of my readers wins... Good Luck and BW Robert & The Tuc's xXx