31 Jan 2011
29 Jan 2011
Review of the passing season: London still Graige...
As I thing about spring I'm reflecting on the passing season... I have enjoyed the smokey colors of the season now passing and I wonder how this sensibility will evolve into the coming spring and summer... Meanwhile, a visiting Parisian grabbing a brake between meetings...
28 Jan 2011
CHANNELING: "The Spirit of the Times"....
If you've seen the new Alexander McQueen collection you might agree with the zeitgeist reference in the title of this post...
27 Jan 2011
26 Jan 2011
25 Jan 2011
24 Jan 2011
Lena: Writer
I love meeting people who enjoy adapting and personalizing their clothes. Lena told me she enjoys adapting her things and so do I. I'm calling people including myself as being a make-and-mender's . Just doing my bit for the sustainability movement...
"I love my sewing machine" she told me with enthusiasm… as I love mine...
"I love my sewing machine" she told me with enthusiasm… as I love mine...
23 Jan 2011
21 Jan 2011
20 Jan 2011
From the Archive....
Taken last September at an evening event… Posted to remind me that spring will soon be here… Openings, store events and all the great new street-fashion looks… Perhaps developed over the long winter watching old movies for inspiration….)
I love documenting all this and meeting people who have a love for fashion and style…As we all and try and predict what’s next....
I love documenting all this and meeting people who have a love for fashion and style…As we all and try and predict what’s next....
19 Jan 2011
Love the Look: Amazing colour harmony...
Some people like to play with bobby pins in their bathroom... I love playing with color and recently, while trying to be more sustainable, rather than shop so much I've been having fun with color, dying my old cottons and some wool and cashmere. Now they all match. Like cherished-old-friends, acquired over many fashion cycles in London, Los Angeles and NYC. The blues became smoky. Some of the pale yellows and creams became wonderful shades of green…
The cottons are dyed in the machine with a commercial blue dye and for the natural fibres I have been experimenting with natural products. I’ve had good results with turmeric, disappointed with beetroots as they make a poor dye (but good in salads with feta). I’m thinking of experimenting with henna next…
Meanwhile, I digress... the color of the toe-cap of her flats match her lipstick. I remember her top and pants being jet-black with a slightly shiny finish to the cotton and its color and finish coordinated pulling the black bag into the overall look harmony, a very chic sense of color. Unfortunately, she spoke no English....
The cottons are dyed in the machine with a commercial blue dye and for the natural fibres I have been experimenting with natural products. I’ve had good results with turmeric, disappointed with beetroots as they make a poor dye (but good in salads with feta). I’m thinking of experimenting with henna next…
Meanwhile, I digress... the color of the toe-cap of her flats match her lipstick. I remember her top and pants being jet-black with a slightly shiny finish to the cotton and its color and finish coordinated pulling the black bag into the overall look harmony, a very chic sense of color. Unfortunately, she spoke no English....
18 Jan 2011
17 Jan 2011
Love the Look: Coat bought in Milano...

Except for missing, the crisp winter day-light of NYC, perhaps the thing I miss the most is access to all the apparel industry trades: pleating shops, bias and covered button work-rooms, doing small lots for showrooms sample's and production for small designers...
Seeing the self-covered coat buckle brought me back to Mid-Town for a moment as I plan my spring wardrobe because there were signs of spring in the air this weekend in LDN...
16 Jan 2011
Experimental Film...
One of our partners has found a cache of exclusive limited-edition, Bvlgari and Chanel designer glasses, which he is making available at SpecSuperstore.com. Apparently, the prices are fantastic and and the choice is huge. Because I love vintage, I've asked him to help me find me another pair like the photo above that I can wear on nite video-shoots.
Meanwhile, talking about film making, I'm solving my problem in the photo above... A hint... In these things I my motto "I prefer gritty to pretty"....
Meanwhile, talking about film making, I'm solving my problem in the photo above... A hint... In these things I my motto "I prefer gritty to pretty"....
15 Jan 2011
14 Jan 2011
CHANNELING: RockChic....
I love the look in the close-up I published on Sunday of Laura, which was how I saw her that evening when I attended a fun farewell party, at the Union Club for Vanessa, the Parisian photographer I shot once and with whom Luisa and I have stayed in touch. She is moving to Tokyo...
The photo above was from a roll on another camera I had provided for the group to play with taking each other's photos....
In this image (not sure if I took it or a friend, Kevin Kingston (owner of StudioNineteen.com) she looks so fierce, like a Rockchick slumming in Hoxton or the East Village (or Brixton or Brooklyn...) who would she play in a remake of Sex And The City? And we all agree it needs to get back the city See Garance's Review:here
The man in the ikat robe is Desmond Guinness I wonder if any relation to Daphne Guinness, my fashion "Queen" (Luisa is my Style Queen...) See More the LifeStyleScout.blogspot.com
13 Jan 2011
Cape over biker Jkt....
Also I love her make-up... If I remember correctly she was running late for work but because she knows the blog she stopped for a snap,
12 Jan 2011
11 Jan 2011
Old Bond Street, W1
Above, also taken on New Year's Eve and she seemed to be on vacation.
Although she spoke very nice English, the rest of her party spoke in a language I did not recognize. They all looked great but seemed unwilling to be photographed by me, concerned that I could be embroiling them in some sort of scam. Despite the fact that Arthur was with me, yet, they were still suspicious...
10 Jan 2011
Fashion Entrepreneur: Laura Adamson

And one of our favorite client's who we hope to see soon, perhaps in NYC...
See >>> www.BrownyIntl.com
7 Jan 2011
Looking Fab in Skyheel's...
I shot this on New Year's Eve on Regent Street, on what seemed to be the busiest shopping day of the season.
Struggling to navigate Arthur's buggy through the crowds on our side of the street , in the distance I saw a striking blonde walking toward us head-and-shoulders above everybody else. But Regent's Street was so crowded and my camera was in the diaper bag, it was not possible to stop her and ask if I could take a photo.
As I glanced over my shoulder to check her out as she passed I saw other men, some like me pushing babies in buggies, doing the same. When I saw the soles of her shoes and did a U-turn as I chased behind her and her two friends, traipsing behind trying to keep up with her.
I sidled up alongside her friends asking if they thought she let us take her photo, as she continued to talk on her mobile and walking very fast.
I had hoped to get a pigeon-toed shot to show the Louboutin's red soles which I mentioned to her and she said "like this" and we all cracked up a a passer-by asked me "who is she, isn't she famous?".
Although I did not quite catch her Glamazon fablous'ness it struck me that she would have been a perfect candidate for Jill's blog....
Struggling to navigate Arthur's buggy through the crowds on our side of the street , in the distance I saw a striking blonde walking toward us head-and-shoulders above everybody else. But Regent's Street was so crowded and my camera was in the diaper bag, it was not possible to stop her and ask if I could take a photo.
As I glanced over my shoulder to check her out as she passed I saw other men, some like me pushing babies in buggies, doing the same. When I saw the soles of her shoes and did a U-turn as I chased behind her and her two friends, traipsing behind trying to keep up with her.
I sidled up alongside her friends asking if they thought she let us take her photo, as she continued to talk on her mobile and walking very fast.
I had hoped to get a pigeon-toed shot to show the Louboutin's red soles which I mentioned to her and she said "like this" and we all cracked up a a passer-by asked me "who is she, isn't she famous?".
Although I did not quite catch her Glamazon fablous'ness it struck me that she would have been a perfect candidate for Jill's blog....
6 Jan 2011
5 Jan 2011
4 Jan 2011
3 Jan 2011
1 Jan 2011
Happy New Year, as I Channel the '90's....
Can anyone guess the reference I used for this potential artwork I hope to create next summer?
(StreetStyle photos back Monday.)
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