16 Oct 2010

Frieze Art Fair, LDN + Glee Bonus

This girl above was very brave because as we set-up the shoot lots of people started to watch and the subject began to blush and even I felt uncomfortable as people seemed to gawk. Even more strange, was the round of applause we received as we finished.... Frieze Art Fair >>>
Meanwhile, as I walked home I was delighted to catch Pop Choir performing Lady Gaga on a book promotion for the Xmas Glee book...

www.PopChoir.com >>>


Matthew Spade said...

i love that jumper

styleeast said...

I love the first shot, it's very natural and her style shows through. I bet that pop choir doing Gaga was a sight to behold!

Rebecca said...

I love the girls jumper in the first pictures she looks lovely ♥ xx
