Oh I loove her boots, but I wish she wasn't crossing her arms! It's incredible how such simple body language seems to give off the impression of distance. Incredible picture though.
First of all this lady is so beautifully put together. She looks gorgeous, in that effortless way that I'm still trying to accheive to this day and hope to in years to come.
Secondly, I am a journalism student from wolverhampton and I am coming to London to film a documentary about the street fashions and gorgeousness of London in November.
I was really looking to get some interviews with people who really know about street culture and the london scene.
My project is titled Paris, Milan, London? what really makes London a fashion capital?
I'd really appreciate your opinion on the whole thing as you are quite the guru of london fashion.
Would so appreciate if you got back to me as I am an avid watcher of your blog and your opinion would be invaluable.
I am absolutely loving this look. That jacket is amazing and I am really into those boots.. I really like this blog your photographs are amazing and inspirational.
Oh I loove her boots, but I wish she wasn't crossing her arms! It's incredible how such simple body language seems to give off the impression of distance. Incredible picture though.
I love her jacket and dress! A great outfit.
Great shot. I do like that outfit.
First of all this lady is so beautifully put together. She looks gorgeous, in that effortless way that I'm still trying to accheive to this day and hope to in years to come.
Secondly, I am a journalism student from wolverhampton and I am coming to London to film a documentary about the street fashions and gorgeousness of London in November.
I was really looking to get some interviews with people who really know about street culture and the london scene.
My project is titled Paris, Milan, London? what really makes London a fashion capital?
I'd really appreciate your opinion on the whole thing as you are quite the guru of london fashion.
Would so appreciate if you got back to me as I am an avid watcher of your blog and your opinion would be invaluable.
Thank you for your time :)
Hoping to see more of your fashion style. So far I like what I see. :)
Love the style!
Cool - I like her jacket!
Check out my blog - polkadotseven.blogspot.com
Great blog; we do need a regular coverage of London street fashion like they have in NYC and Paris. Many congrats on the baby.
loving the blazer and the boots! very trendy :D
Fantastic! The messy print dress is so unique. And the boots are incredible. I neeeeed.
her boots and leggings are gorgeous!
love the boots
I am absolutely loving this look. That jacket is amazing and I am really into those boots.. I really like this blog your photographs are amazing and inspirational.
Mackenzie J.
Nice boots. They fit great with her long arms and very well balanced with the jacket..
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