Because this subject was dashing to have his lunch we did not get to discuss his look. However, if asked, my first thoughts would be that it’s a New Romantic’s answer for a day-into-evening outfit...
I understand that you publish different personal styles and I like that. However, there is a comments section where people can leave their personal opinions about individual styles. I'm just being honest. Some I like and some I think are hideous.
We appreciate your comments especially when they do focus on the style or the clothes the subjects are wearing in photographs. However, we get an awful lot of nasty, crude comments, which may be illegal to publish in some countries, from visitors to the site who shield themselves behind the name anonymous…
Consequently, you may wish to consider signing your name if you want other visitors to the site to hear your opinion.
Think it's a great combination, specially the pants are really great. I understand when people are scared abouts styles and the wy people dress, but most of them are didn't do to it for the rest of the world, they do it for their own.
I love the way the earrings match the plastic bag !
Sorry, but this is hideous. How can anyone think this is fashion? He looks like a real fruitcake in my opinion!!!!
Dear Anonymous,
We are the Style Scouts and publish around the different personal styles and fashion tribes we see in London.
If you’re looking for fashion perhaps Vogue or Elle Magazine would work better for you!
The Style Scout…
Great pants!
I understand that you publish different personal styles and I like that. However, there is a comments section where people can leave their personal opinions about individual styles. I'm just being honest. Some I like and some I think are hideous.
Dear Anonymous,
We appreciate your comments especially when they do focus on the style or the clothes the subjects are wearing in photographs. However, we get an awful lot of nasty, crude comments, which may be illegal to publish in some countries, from visitors to the site who shield themselves behind the name anonymous…
Consequently, you may wish to consider signing your name if you want other visitors to the site to hear your opinion.
The Style Scout
Think it's a great combination, specially the pants are really great.
I understand when people are scared abouts styles and the wy people dress, but most of them are didn't do to it for the rest of the world, they do it for their own.
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