4 Aug 2008

Vintage girl... Carnaby Street


I love this girl's vintage look, from the shoes, to her hairstyle... I think she pulls it off really well. I never cease to be amazed by how styles keep coming back. Plaid is everywhere at the moment, I went to topshop the other day and they are inundated with cute plaid shirts. The trousers she's wearing as well, so current even though vintage, and the shoes are perfect with the look. I also really like the colours in the outfit.


Anonymous said...

her style is very very interesting...love the trousers.

Eyeliah said...

She looks amazing and original, how could you not stop her for the site!! Glad you did :-)

Unknown said...

those trousers are really in now, so she was like style inventer so to speak :) ha ha! i didnt se them in august that much, now they are every where

Anonymous said...

she's cute.

Anonymous said...

i'm in love!