Last Night's Party…On|Off at the Royal Academy of Arts…London…
London Fashion Week...
“On|Off is a key part of London Fashion Week and is internationally renowned as the life-blood of fashion, art and design talent in London”…Time Out Magazine…

“On|Off is a key part of London Fashion Week and is internationally renowned as the life-blood of fashion, art and design talent in London”…Time Out Magazine…

Fantastic expressions of style...brilliantly found, Style Scout. Love the first, especially.
That cut out skirt is irresistablly pretty!
I love your blog, come and tell me what to wear today!
Just discovered your blog its Great will check in again!
We also had a fashion week here in Copenhagen(*).
I like your shots (lived in London a whole year, back in 1992).
Greetings from Copenhagen
*more on the blog
the dress [third photo?] is just fabulous.
I dont suppose anyone knows who designed it?
Jennifer, the third dress was designed by Hannah Marshall:
hmmm..I'm feeling some turban chic being channeled!
Hats off to her...(ahem, no pun intended..)
S xx
I love the red sparrow. Is that a necklace or brooch? By Tatty Devine perhaps?
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