Adorable is all I can say.
Are you sure that isn't Glamour Girl (the pouting one) from the bus stop - now living life as a carefree blonde?
hello hello Monday... you can find excellent vintage in BrickLane (East End close to Spitalfields), or in Camdem Lock. some of the best shops around are RockIt . Close to Truman Brewery) and Beyone Retro.The best prices are in Camdem though.
OMG those are so cute! You'd have to be super slim to carry those off though..
Over the past couple days, I keep coming back to this picture - she took the trend and made it her own. She's lovely!
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Adorable is all I can say.
Are you sure that isn't Glamour Girl (the pouting one) from the bus stop - now living life as a carefree blonde?
Are you sure that isn't Glamour Girl (the pouting one) from the bus stop - now living life as a carefree blonde?
hello hello Monday... you can find excellent vintage in BrickLane (East End close to Spitalfields), or in Camdem Lock. some of the best shops around are RockIt . Close to Truman Brewery) and Beyone Retro.The best prices are in Camdem though.
OMG those are so cute! You'd have to be super slim to carry those off though..
Over the past couple days, I keep coming back to this picture - she took the trend and made it her own. She's lovely!
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