31 Mar 2008

Portobello Road


Even though Spring has officially arrived, it is still chilly here in London. We loved this girl's makeup and head-scarf, really cool.

29 Mar 2008

Hello again...


We finally faced the weather, or rather ignored it, and went out for some scouting, after a very long absence... Bear with us because we are warming up still, getting our cameras juiced up again, but this girl made it all easy. She was a ray of sunshine, an explosion of colour, and posed for us today at Portobello Road. I love her recycled juice bag!

10 Mar 2008

And now, for something completely different...

Hello everyone, we haven't been able to get out and about style scouting yet, the weather has been horrible, rainy, cold... but while you wait, please have a look at our other blog: 

hazelnut Studio

This is linked to our surface/textile design studio. Hope you like it.